Reference number: JL-000611

Child Protection Advisor

Job Description:

Position Summary

Responsible for programming and mainstreaming protection interventions irrespective of age, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, color, race, religious, political beliefs, disability, physical or mental health, socio-economic background, or any other aspect of their background or identity. The position will provide support to colleagues and work to ensure that broader sector coordination mechanisms are functioning effectively.


  • Demonstrate leadership in relation to the organization’s policies and practice for protection (children, youth and adults) and inclusion of protection clauses in various organizational policies, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures
  • Ensure that the minimum standards of humanitarian relief are maintained in accordance with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Settings, the Sphere Charter and Red Cross Code of Conduct
  • Ensure children harmed or at risk of being harmed are identified, implement case management, referral and information management systems, as per Global Hub’s procedures and prescribed timelines for appropriate identification, responses and follow up for children harmed or at risk of being harmed
  • Provide leadership and strengthen child protection case management, adolescent caregiver focused programmes
  • Coordinate with other child protection stakeholders including local agencies on case management and referrals as appropriate
  • Support/lead periodic capacity, CS, Protection and PSEA compliance monitoring activities, suggest and lead the implementation of best practices
  • Ensure all staff and stakeholders engages with, are aware of and understand protection issues, responsibilities for a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for children, young people and programme participants and policy awareness, reporting, response and referral mechanisms
  • Lead and develop protection response plan (integration and mainstreaming) and required budgets for adherence and enhancement of the organization’s overall response strategy
  • Undertake child and youth protection assessments using processes and tools, including adaptation of tools as necessary
  • Coordinate with other thematic areas and/or external other external sector agencies, ensuring assessment findings are documented and that all assessments include a specific analysis of children’s needs
  • Provide analytical support on a wide-range of humanitarian protection issues focusing child protection (CP) issues including child GBV, child early forced marriage (CEFM), psychosocial support in emergency contexts, mine action and general protection
  • Lead on developing the child protection response plan and master budget and contribute to the organization’s overall response strategy
  • Ensure high quality programmatic and technical leadership, oversight and guidance on protection programming in development and humanitarian contexts that transition into longer term resilience programming
  • Collaborate with technical and programmes teams to integrate child protection issues
  • Provide technical guidance, technical tools and capacity building to cross functional teams including protection and programmes staff
  • Lead the design and roll out of a capacity building plan for children and young people, care givers and community based organizations, CSOs and local NGOs, in-house staff, volunteers, vendors, contractors and service providers
  • Develop learning needs assessment and capacity building plans for the organization and partner staff, linking capacity building initiatives to wider opportunities identified via coordination and networks
  • Working closely with the HR team, lead on induction and training of new staff and contractors
  • Identify programme supplies needs and coordinate with the logistics team to put in place a phased procurement plan
  • Advocate with peer agencies and other stakeholders for timely and quality case management responses for children, ensuring linkages to referral systems through service mapping
  • Working closely with the Monitoring and Evaluation team put in place an M&E plan, ensuring this links to reporting requirements, and capacity build child protection and M&E field staff in carrying out the work
  • Support data collection tools, data analysis and report writing/proposal writing for improved programme mid-course corrections and context relevant new programmes
  • Ensure ethical approvals are sought as per mandatory requirements for all monitoring, research and evaluation activities
  • Advice and support the formulation of broader child protection sector strategies especially through representation and influence especially within inter-agency coordination forums and working groups, ensuring the specific needs of children and young people are being addressed
  • Develop an evidence-base from secondary information, researches and data, documenting lessons learnt, best practice and case studies to shape strategies and programme approaches, and contribute to broader learning within child protection
  • Play a leadership role in all communications related to protection in line with the organization’s thematic priorities
  • Actively support funding opportunities (new and annual renewals) by engaging with Tasks Force and Leads in proposal development (narrative and budgets)
  • Review all proposals/ project documents to ensure all submissions have measurable indicators and contain monitoring and evaluation procedures (evidence based)
  • Provide prompt Technical Assistance (TA) in the development of high-quality concept notes and proposals for development and humanitarian contexts
  • Coordinate with the Child Protection Working Group on fundraising advocacy initiatives with donors
  • Ensure risk assessments are routinely conducted for departmental initiatives and mitigation measures applied in line with the standard in line with standard on Identifying and managing safeguarding and PSHEA risks
  • Guidance, design and deliver project activities in line with the safeguarding standard delivering safe programming and influencing work
  • Lead to ensure the departmental work does not put children and programme participants at risk by continuously evaluating it through a safeguarding perspective and discussing potential design or implementation with the children and programme participants
  • Ensure the delivery of Child Protection thematic activities in accordance with safe programmes and influencing interventions standards
  • Identify and address safeguarding gaps within implementing standards in area of responsibility
  • Create a safe and supportive environment for all community members, particularly vulnerable groups such as women, children, and LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Ensure competent to conduct their work according to the standards for designing and delivering safe programs and interventions, and building positive, safe relationships with children and program participants
  • Ensure the child protection team are fully understand the provisions of the Global Safeguarding Policy, PSHEA Policy and the Code of Conduct
  • Ensure that all staff within departmental understand their role and responsibilities for safeguarding and PSHEA in area of responsibility including performance management
  • Assume responsibility for reporting any instances of suspected child abuse or neglect immediately as per the organization’s policy
  • Promote the importance of safeguarding and PSHEA to colleagues in other organizations and children, their families, beneficiaries, and the wider community


Job Requirements:

Required Qualifications & Skills

  • Advanced degree, ideally in social work, human rights, community development or related degree
  • Minimum 8 years of demonstrated professional experience in leading a team or advising on programmes and organizations in child rights and child protection
  • Proven track record in assessing, building capacity, monitoring on CRCP outcomes in programmes and communication and resource mobilisation
  • Practical experiences on integrating Minimum Standards Child Protection policy for humanitarian and development settings
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment
  • Strong team-building and facilitation skills
  • Excellent communication skills verbal and written in English and Myanmar
  • Proficient computer skills and working with Microsoft Office Suite
  • Experience working with children and youth is an advantage


Working Time:

Job Benefits:

Insurance, Medical Benefits and Severance Pay

Employer details:

A Well-known INGO in Myanmar


1,800 USD

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Corner of Bagayar & Dhamazedi Road,
Yangon, Myanmar 

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