Reference number: JL-000580

Child Protection Specialist

Job Description:

Position Summary

Responsible for designing and managing capacity building activities for Child Protection teams working in both development and humanitarian contexts and ensuring that Child Protection staff, partners and community volunteers have the skills to perform their duties. Also responsible for ensuring that child protection case workers deliver quality care for vulnerable children and families. 


  • Identify and assess capacity building needs of child protection teams, including the specific needs of community volunteers and non-protection sector teams in protection mainstreaming activities
  • Develop capacity building plans and rigorous systems to continuously strengthen the capacities of staff, partners and community volunteers
  • Develop and deliver tailored training for child protection teams and non-protection sector teams
  • Implement various training methods, including innovative and creative methods and technology, as relevant to enhance skills and performance of CP staff, partners and community volunteers and link capacity building initiatives to wider opportunities identified via coordination and networks
  • Provide child protection staff, partners and community volunteers and non-protection sector teams with the tools, resources and guidance necessary to implement activities in line with humanitarian principles and principles relevant to their technical areas
  • Support/lead on child protection needs assessments, including in emergencies coordinating with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER) team and PIM’s other programmatic areas, ensuring assessment findings are documented and disseminated
  • Ensure that child protection interventions are aligned with the Child Protection Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Action and other existing global guidelines and tools, including approaches for CEFMU and child survivors of SGBV
  • Provide analytical support on a wide-range of child protection issues focusing on SGBV, CEFMU, psychosocial support in emergency contexts to strengthen and advance the country programme
  • Foster relationships with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders including Child Protection teams, specialist/s, PUs and other sector programme teams
  • Ensure that child protection case managers deliver quality care for vulnerable children and families
  • Ensure that each case management team keeps the most updated service mapping and referral pathways and proactively seeks alternatives where there are no services available in their particular locations
  • Strengthen case management supervisors’ capacity to support case workers in using CPIMS+, digital forms and workflows when documenting case management processes, from identification and registration, to assessment, case planning, referrals, tracking service provision, and case closure
  • Oversee operations and services delivered by case workers and case management supervisors and provide necessary support effectively to ensure that each case client receives best possible quality care in a timely manner
  • Ensure that the inter-agency Case Management Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines are upheld in case management processes
  • Work closely with the Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) team develop a context-specific child protection M&E framework and tools for quality programme delivery
  • Establish accountability activities for child protection, including child-friendly feedback mechanisms ensuring that feedback from all relevant stakeholders, especially children and adolescents is considered throughout all phases of programming
  • Collaborate in identifying new funding channels and design log frames and theory of change for new funding opportunities and provide inputs during proposal writing process as needed
  • Ensure the delivery technical guidance to protection programs and activities in accordance with safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance incorporate measures described in the standard delivering safe programming and influencing work
  • Create a safe and supportive environment for all community members, particularly vulnerable groups such as women, children, and LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Promote the importance of safeguarding and PSHEA to colleagues in other organizations and children, their families, beneficiaries, and the wider community

Job Requirements:

Required Qualifications & Skills

  • Advanced degree, ideally in social work, human rights, community development or related degree
  • Minimum 5 years of demonstrated professional experience in child protection, including Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Union
  • Excellent training facilitation skills and extensive capacity building experience
  • Demonstrated experience in child protection case management and supervising case workers
  • Strong understanding of international humanitarian standards and Child Protection Minimum Standards
  • Experience of working with children and adolescents, especially with adolescent girls in their diversities and to promote their agency role
  • Experience in protection and/or child protection mainstreaming in non-protection sectors
  • Excellent analytical and strategic planning skills
  • Strong desire to learn, openness to new ideas and ability to keep abreast of trends in the child protection sector
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Strong interpersonal and team building skills
  • Ability to work in a diverse, multi-cultural setting with sensitivity to the local context
  • Ability to work under pressure, as part of a team or independently, and meet deadlines
  • Strong experience and knowledge of the Do No Harm and conflict sensitivity approaches
  • Willingness to travel to remote areas and spend time in the field
  • Proficiency in English and Myanmar Language (reading, writing and spoken)
  • Creative thinking and innovation skills
  • Experience of using Child Protection and/or Gender-based Violence Information Management System
  • Experience working directly with vulnerable groups of children and adolescent girls

Working Time:

Job Benefits:

Insurance, Medical benefits and Severance pay 

Employer details:

A Well-known INGO


1,400 USD

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Room 803, 8th Floor Panchan Tower,
Corner of Bagayar & Dhamazedi Road,
Yangon, Myanmar 

Office Mobile: [+95] 09 451106089
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